Pittsburgh Day Lily 2018

Each year I try to publish images of the best blooms form our garden in Regent Square. Somehow, this one fell through the cracks. So even though the bloom is long gone, we can still enjoy its vibrant color.

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Pittsburgh Day Lily 2018

White Lily

We planted our lilies with hope. They looked fine and healthy as they emerged from the ground. We noticed our pansies were being eaten and applied dried blood and the pansies survived. Our neighborhood suddenly seems to be overrun with rabbits. It rained for a few days and when we next looked outside the lilies all had a number of buds on each plant. We again applied the dried blood.

A week later we had a lot of rain and the next day after the rained stopped. There was not a leaf on any Lily plant. The buds were hanging off of green stalks. Damn bunnies! I was convinced they would never bloom. We again spread in the dried blood but it was too late I feared. How could they provide enough energy to bloom without any leaves for photosynthesis?

Life finds a way and the lilies survived!

To see other images and buy apparel or prints, please visit my commercial gallery.

White Lilly

Survivor Lily

We planted our lilies with hope. They looked fine and healthy as they emerged from the ground. We noticed our pansies were being eaten and applied dried blood and the pansies survived. Our neighborhood suddenly seems to be overrun with rabbits. It rained for a few days and when we next looked outside the lilies all had a number of buds on each plant. We again applied the dried blood.

A week later we had a lot of rain and the next day after the rained stopped. There was not a leaf on any Lilly plant. The buds were hanging off of green stalks. Damn bunnies! I was convinced they would never bloom. We again spread in the dried blood but it was too late I feared. How could they provide enough energy to bloom without any leaves for photosynthesis?

Life finds a way and the lilies survived!

To see other images and buy apparel or prints, please visit my commercial gallery.

Survivor Lily

Special Day Lily

In Western Pennsylvania day lilies grow wild by the road side. They are always a plain orange color. They naturalize so vigorously that some people think of them as weeds and pull them out. They are available in a wide variety of colors. We tend to eschew the very popular Stella D’oro variety and plant different colors. I love the dark purple and red day lilies. This year we planted this one not knowing what color it would be and got this pleasant surprise.

To see other images and buy apparel or prints, please visit my commercial gallery.

Special Day Lily

Yellow Lily

Normally I don’t photograph cut flowers. However at lunch the other day I was struck by the beauty of this bloom. No leaves damaged by insects, free of dirt from the wind this bloom offered perfection and I thought deserving of this closeup.

To see other images and buy apparel or prints, please visit my commercial gallery.


Miss Lily’s Close Up

Flowers are great from a distance but to really see them sometimes a close up view is the best thing. This was shot on a Nikon D5200 with a Nikon 300mm Lens at ISO 3200. The shutter speed was 150 and aperture was f22. The lighting was indirect and the result is you can really appreciate the texture of the bloom.

To see other images and buy apparel or prints, please visit my commercial gallery.

Mis Lily's Close Up

White Lily

Lily week continues in the garden. The beautiful day lilies in our back garden continue to bloom. In our front garden though is where our white lilies live. In my opinion this is the queen lily growing a little taller than the rest and in pure bridal white a true beauty!

To see other images and buy apparel or prints, please visit my commercial gallery.

Queen Lily

Queen Lily

Pocono Lily

Lilies are the crown jewels of our garden. When they bloom Summer is in full gear. Lilies remind me of warm weather, swimming pools, lakes and walks in the park. I think they might be my favorite except for tulips, daffodils…oh never mind, I don’t really have a favorite. They are just beautiful flowers.

To see other images and buy apparel or prints, please visit my commercial gallery.

Pocono Lilly

Pocono Lilly