Morning Run

When I travel it is easy to take sunset pictures. I am out and about, alert, in the zone and ready for the light show. However, it has always been difficult for me to take sunrise pictures. I could blame it on my age but that would not be true. To take a sunrise picture you have to get up and to your location before the sun rises.

I love to walk (I use to run) in the morning after I have had my morning coffee. The morning is one of my favorite times of day. But then there is this guy. What time did he get up and start running? Who are the people that can do this? Are they human? It was dark when I got to the beach and I saw him run down the beach. This was taken about a half hour later as he ran back up the beach. He must be and A type!

Photographed at sunrise on a beach near Cancún.

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Running at Dawn

Running at Dawn

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