One of Life’s Great Joys

As you begin and move through life you have the opportunity to experience many joys. I will do us all a favor and not enumerate them. When I became the Father of a little girl I began to think about the joys she would bring our family through her life. I began to experience through her eyes of what it was like to be a little girl. I realized that if we were lucky in life I may actually get to walk her down the aisle at her wedding and deliver a toast. Well we were lucky and I got to that this August at the Honore Ballroom at the Palmer House in Chicago. A wedding is a sea change event and this was one was no different. Having this honor was one of the greatest and most important moments in my life and I will remember it always. (Image courtesy of Leah Moyers Photography)

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Toasting My Daughter's Marriage

Toasting My Daughter’s Marriage