All Thanks To Oregano

For years our lilies and day-lilies provided only treats to the deer herd from Frick Park. We were almost ready to just dig them up when our new neighbors built a fence. The deer couldn’t get back there any longer to feast on the lilies and they grew tall and bloomed. However the day lilies were still victims. The deer could feast on them from our driveway.

My wife heard that deer hated oregano so we planted it next to the day lilies and voila our day lilies are finally able to bloom. In addition we have a LOT of oregano.

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Happy Independence Day America

Independence Day is one of my favorite holidays. Except for the fireworks. I used to love fireworks as a kid. However now I realize how upsetting they are to veterans and also to pets I have revised my opinion. However time for a great barbecue with friends and usually great weather helps us appreciate our freedoms and hopefully we can hold on to these in troubling time.

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