One of Life’s Great Joys

As you begin and move through life you have the opportunity to experience many joys. I will do us all a favor and not enumerate them. When I became the Father of a little girl I began to think about the joys she would bring our family through her life. I began to experience through her eyes of what it was like to be a little girl. I realized that if we were lucky in life I may actually get to walk her down the aisle at her wedding and deliver a toast. Well we were lucky and I got to that this August at the Honore Ballroom at the Palmer House in Chicago. A wedding is a sea change event and this was one was no different. Having this honor was one of the greatest and most important moments in my life and I will remember it always. (Image courtesy of Leah Moyers Photography)

To see other images and buy apparel or prints, please visit my commercial gallery.

Toasting My Daughter's Marriage

Toasting My Daughter’s Marriage

Things I’ll Miss–Wetlands in the Autumn

If you follow this blog you know that for some time we have been trying to sell our house and move back to Pittsburgh. Our tablets are done (DreamMap publishing in October) and it is time to come off the mountain. Of course moving is hard work so I haven’t been taking new pictures and have been thinking of how to keep the blog “alive” during this time of transition.

Although our new house is only two blocks from one of the largest parks in Pittsburgh (Frick Park) I will really miss the wetlands in the autumn. One of the good things about Pittsburgh though is that besides having a wonderful park system the city is only a short drive to a wide variety of state parks. It will be fun exploring them in the autumn to find more scenes like this.

To see other images and buy apparel or prints, please visit my commercial gallery.

Pocono Wetlands

Pocono Wetlands

Things I Will Miss–Black Bears

If you follow this blog you know that for some time we have been trying to sell our house and move back to Pittsburgh. Our tablets are done (DreamMap publishing in October) and it is time to come off the mountain. Of course moving is hard work so I haven’t been taking new pictures and have been thinking of how to keep the blog “alive” during this time of transition.

Although our new house is only two blocks from one of the largest parks in Pittsburgh (Frick Park) we won’t have quite the variety of wildlife we have in The Poconos. Oh sure there will be deer, rabbits and maybe even some fox but I don’t think they have black bears in Frick Park. It is always exciting to see bears in the wild and I will miss their occasional visits.

Bear out Back

Bear out Back

To see other images and buy apparel or prints, please visit my commercial gallery.

The Birdman of Pittsburgh

We have sold our house and are preparing to move ourselves back home to Pittsburgh. We left Pittsburgh in 1978 and have lived in State College PA, Dallas Texas, Smithtown Long Island,Montclair New Jersey and the Pocono Mountains since then. I took this the year before I left in Market Square. We always called this guy “The Birdman”. I wonder why?

To see other images and buy apparel or prints, please visit my commercial gallery.

The Birdman of Pittsburgh

The Birdman of Pittsburgh

Candidate #13…High Tide on the Bay of Fundy

I am going to be posting images that I may have posted before with a candidate # thereby collecting a list of what I feel would be likely candidates to print for a gallery show of Photojournalism. This one was taken at high tide at Digby Neck on The Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia in the early 1980″s. Please feel free to leave comments if you agree or disagree about including them in a “best of” list.

To see other images and buy apparel or prints, please visit my commercial gallery.

High Tide on the Bay of Fundy

High Tide on the Bay of Fundy

Candidate #12—Flight

I am going to be posting images that I may have posted before with a candidate # thereby collecting a list of what I feel would be likely candidates to print for a gallery show of Photojournalism. This was taken at the Piazza del Duomo, Milano, Italy. I love the different ways each member of the family reacts to the bird. You can read, fear,exhilaration, pleasure and boredom on the different faces. Please feel free to leave comments if you agree or disagree about including them in a “best of” list.

To see other images and buy apparel or prints, please visit my commercial gallery.



Stolen Art

OK, so technically this is not really stolen art. The Art Institute of Chicago allows you to take pictures in most areas as long as you do not use flash photography. I rarely will take pictures inside a museum but do enjoy photographing sculpture so when I saw the Chagall Windows I almost felt compelled to take pictures of them. We had seen more of Chagall’s windows in Nice but these are pieces he created specifically for the United States audience.

To see other images and buy apparel or prints, please visit my commercial gallery.



