Happy Thanksgiving!

I can’t think of this holiday without thinking of my Daughter who was just one month old at her first Thanksgiving. This is an old picture of her, my Mom and my lovely wife in State College Pennsylvania thirty one years ago. The turkey was bigger than she was. Have a great holiday!

Jessica’s First Thanksgiving

Kindle Version of DreamMap is Available NOW!

You can now buy DreamMap formatted for Kindle and other E-Readers for $5.99. If you buy the trade paperback version you can add the Kindle format for just $1.99!

Writing this novel has been an adventure in the unknown. However working outside of my comfort level (photography) has been challenging and a great learning experience. This is how it came about.

As I walked down the lane with my dog Shadow on October 1, 2012 I began to think about what I wanted to do in retirement besides travel,have fun and take pictures. Since I was a child and read Robert Louis Stevenson I thought that some day I would write a book. Shadow and I walked three miles that day and I began to think of conversations I had with my friend Kip about dream journals. By the time i got home I had half an outline in my head and sat down at the computer and wrote all day. When my wife came home from teaching High School school she asked about what I did today and I told her I started my novel. After chuckling she realized I was serious.

By July 4th 2013. The book had 50,000 words and was almost 200 pages. I thought I was done and gave it to Hinda Burke to read. Somehow she got through it and actually liked it. She gave me notes and I began to write again. By the fall of 2013 Hinda got the novel which was now close to 300 pages and had 80,000 words. She edited the book and added some more character development. The novel then went through two more edits and finally was copy edited by my friend Annie Siebert. So after 25 months of work and three editors DreamMap is finally finished. It wouldn’t be as good as it is without the help of Hinda Burke,Susan Weiss, Jess Brazas and Annie Siebert. Thanks for helping me with my Dream!

To order your copy, click here!


DreamMap–For Sale on Amazon!

As I walked down the lane with my dog Shadow on October 1, 2012 I began to think about what I wanted to do in retirement besides travel,have fun and take pictures. Since I was a child and read Robert Louis Stevenson I thought that some day I would write a book. Shadow and I walked three miles that day and I began to think of conversations I had with my friend Kip about dream journals. By the time i got home I had half an outline in my head and sat down at the computer and wrote all day. When my wife came home from teaching High School school she asked about what I did today and I told her I started my novel. After chuckling she realized I was serious.

By July 4th 2013. The book had 50,000 words and was almost 200 pages. I thought I was done and gave it to Hinda Burke to read. Somehow she got through it and actually liked it. She gave me notes and I began to write again. By the fall of 2013 Hinda got the novel which was now close to 300 pages and had 80,000 words. She edited the book and added some more character development. The novel then went through two more edits and finally was copy edited by my friend Annie Siebert. So after 25 months of work and three editors DreamMap is finally finished. It wouldn’t be as good as it is without the help of Hinda Burke,Susan Weiss, Jess Brazas and Annie Siebert. Thanks for helping me with my Dream!

To order your copy, click here!
